We'll Talk: UX

For those unfamiliar with "We’ll Talk: UX” we are a peer-to-peer discussion group designed to build and strengthen the UX community through mentorship and project sharing. We operate primarily out of North East Los Angeles (NELA) where we provide a safe, casual setting for UX/Product Designers, Developers and Product Managers to come together and present current, on-going, or new projects/products they are working on. No matter what stage it’s in, work-related or side hustle, a “community of strangers” will act as your own private "design team” to critique, evaluate, discuss and give solid feedback to help the project out. These discussions help presenters talk through, learn, and later iterate whatever issue(s) they might have with their site, app, etc… It’s not a “show and tell” but a place to get real actionable help, to get back on track, or just headed in the right direction.

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We'll Talk: UX

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