What do VCs look for when making Series A investments? Hosted in partnership with Silicon Valley Bank.
Fundraising is a full-time job on top of running a company. How will you raise the capital you need to catapult your company's growth?
In this panel discussion, experts will walk you through basic requirements a company needs for Series A venture capital investment and when you should start raising for your Series A.
We will also hear directly from VCs on what they look for when deciding to invest in a company, drawing upon their experience working with talented founders.
We'll have time for Q&A after each panel discussion and then 10 minutes at the end for breakout rooms and networking.
Date: Tuesday, October 12th
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM PST
Location: Zoom
Meeting ID: TBA
Introductions: Andy Wilson, Executive Director, The Alliance for Southern California Innovation and Rob Freelen, Head of Venture Capital Relationship Management, Silicon Valley Bank
Panel 1: Breaking the Series A Barrier
Panel 2: Recent VC Deals
10 Mins for Q&A
10 Mins for Breakout Sessions